Channel: TheMagneticZeros
Category: Music
Tags: edward sharpedesert songalex ebertup from belowrough tradekisses over babylonthe masses
Description: New Self-Titled Album Available Now. Download on iTunes: This is PART 1 of a 12-Part feature-length movie musical. The opening footage is of singer Alex Ebert's father chanting in Monument Valley - shot by his mother. Desert Song is about Alex's reckoning with the middle name his father secretly wrote on his birth certificate - a Native American name which means 'Devil' or 'Demon'. The debut album from Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, "Up From Below", will be available on July 14th in the US and July 13th in the UK. The debut EP, "Here Comes", is available now on iTunes DIRECTED BY: Benjamin Kutsko and Cory Marrero LABEL: Community Music/Fairfax Recordings - US : Rough Trade - UK DP: David Myrick EDITED BY: Alex Ebert and Brandon Driscoll-Luttringer VFX: Benjamin Kutsko and Casey Allen WARDROBE BY: Cassandra Kellogg and Amanny Ahmad MAKEUP: Sarai Fiszel